Lunch Program

Hot Lunch

Greystone's Hot Lunch Program is optional and is a fundraiser for the Friends of Greystone (FOGS), with proceeds going to special school projects. The menus are designed to include foods enjoyed by middle school students. If you feel that the amount of food in the lunch is inadequate for your youth’s appetite, please send additional food items.

Hot Lunch orders can be placed once a month. See the table below for order windows. Hot Lunch will be available every Friday, or on the closest school day prior if there is no school on Friday any given week. Hot Lunch will consist of meals from local vendors (e.g. Pizza 73, KFC, Bite to Eat, etc.).

How to Register/Order Hot Lunch

All orders can be completed online. Everyone will need to create a hot lunch account, even if they had one previously.

We accept order payments through PayPal. You can check out as a guest or by using your PayPal account (which includes credit card or debit online).

To place an order:

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Register" from the menu at the top right hand corner to sign up.
  3. School access code: GCHL (all caps)
  4. Set up your user ID and password.
  5. Once registered, you are automatically logged into the website.
  6. Add your student(s) by selecting the Student link at the bottom of the page you are on.
  7. Follow the online instructions to order and pay. You can pay by credit card without creating a PayPal account.

Should your child be away on a hot lunch day that you have paid for, we will NOT provide a refund.

If there is a class event (e.g. field trip) scheduled after hot lunches have been ordered, alternate arrangements will be made to ensure the students will still receive the ordered lunch.  

Hot Lunch Order Windows

Order During

For Hot Lunch In

September 20-27, 2023 October 2023
October 18-25, 2023 November 2023
November 15-22, 2023 December 2023
December 13-20, 2023 January 2024
January 17-24, 2024 February 2024
February 14-21, 2024 March 2024
March 13-20, 2024 April 2024
April 17-24, 2024 May 2024
May 15-22, 2024 June 2024

Please note: Orders and payment for hot lunch must be completed by the last date of the order window. Later orders will not be accepted.

For more information, or if you require assistance, contact Greystone's Hot Lunch Coordinator at

Vending Machine

We have a vending machine in the front office stocked with a variety of snack options. Students in Grades 5 & 6 can access the machine during their nutrition break, and students in Grades 7, 8 & 9 can access the machine at lunch break. This machine only accepts cash, and proceeds support the GCMS PE and Music programs.

Forgotten Lunch Program & Nutrition Nook

The Forgotten Lunch program is for students who have forgotten their lunch or did not bring a lunch. A volunteer makes extra lunches, which are provided to children without a lunch of their own.

In order to track who is using this program, each student is required to get a lunch ticket from their teacher. The Forgotten Lunch program was started in March 2015 and will hopefully be continued from year to year. 

We also have a Nutrition Nook at GCMS, sponsored by Breakfast Clubs of Canada and Alberta Education Nutrition Funding. This fridge is located in the front of the school and is stocked with nutritious items that students can have as snacks or lunch.

Greystone is a part of the PC Children's Charity Power Full Kids program.

Lunch Procedures

Closed Campus

To promote student safety, Greystone Centennial Middle School is a closed campus which requires guests and visitors to check in with the school office.

Closed Campus Lunch Permission Form

Lunch Routine

  • Students eat lunch with other students from their Learning Community in a supervised place. After the assigned eating time, students are given an opportunity for recreation. All students in Grade 5 through 8 are expected to remain on school grounds during their recreation time.
  • If a student needs to leave school grounds, written permission from a parent/guardian must be sent to the homeroom teacher and the office.
  • Students with permission to go home for lunch must sign out and back in with the school office. 
  • Students arriving after the bell must report to the office for a late slip before going to class.

For more information contact:
Greystone Centennial Middle School
Phone: 780-962-0357